
Creativity isn’t just reserved for those with paintbrushes, writers, or makers of beautiful things. It plays a role in almost everything we do. From the ingenious design of the first paperclip to creative approaches in resolving autoimmune issues, our creativity helps us in ways we may not even recognise or appreciate. Whether it’s making something new, or solving a problem, creativity is a divine trait, a reflection of God, bestowed upon us, his image bearers.

As a polymath — a multiskilled creative — I’ve struggled for years to fit my diverse skill sets and offerings into a conventional box. Following the advice of ‘experts,’ I tried focusing on one skill set at a time. This approach not only failed me, but also led to some of the most intense creative burnout that I've ever experienced.

Then it dawned on me — Why fit myself into a conventional box designed by someone else? I decided to create my own container and it wouldn’t even be a box. It would be a circle within a circle, within another circle, reminiscent of a nesting doll viewed from above — a place where I can thrive and help others in ways that inspire me and fuel my soul.

My logo features an inverted triangle used in mathematics and physics called a Nabla ∇ with three nested circles inside of it. The circles are a reminder to myself to avoid the conventional and lean into my diverse creativity. The Nabla ∇ is defined as:

The nabla is used in vector calculus as part of three distinct differential operators: the gradient (∇), the divergence (∇⋅), and the curl (∇×). The last of these uses the cross product.”

In my research, I stumbled across an article by Edwin Korver GMB, Polymath ∇, which states:

This symbol, often seen in mathematics and physics, is more than a mere operator; it embodies the essence of multidimensional thinking and interconnected knowledge – the very heart of a polymath.”

I have decided to embrace this uniqueness, and integrate the three distinct parts of my life and work. To learn more about my background in each area of expertise, please visit the designated page. Each one offers unique insights and ways I hope to assist others.

Creative Consultant

Strategic Problem Solving, Marketing, Training & Market Research.

Holistic Living Practitioner

Gardener at Palm Grove Acres, Herbalism, Holistic Living & More!

The Artist

Oil, Acrylic, & Mixed Media. Originals, Commissions, Prints, And More!